The Best Valley

admin / Glenwood Springs / / 4 Comments


 Hello World!

I guess that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks! I am new at blogging, and I had a hard time thinking about what my first blog should be about. Then I thought “It must be about something that is very special to me” What came to mind is the time I spent in Glenwood Springs going to school. I fell in love with that entire valley! Where else can you hike up to a lake on top of the world (Hanging Lake)


Then take a dip into the best Hot Springs that Colorado has to offer at the Glenwood Hot Springs Pool to unwind. This Pool is wonderful either day or night. I prefer it at night, actually, a cold winter night when the steam is rising makes the pool magical!



The next day, you can take a trip down valley and stop by to see the towns of Redstone and Marble. These towns are exactly what you would think of when you think of a Colorado mountain town. There is great shopping  (if you are into that, and believe me, my wife certainly is) but I love to go through the town of Marble and keep going up the mountain and make my way the the town of Crystal. It is about a 5 mile drive from Marble and you had better have a good 4 wheel drive to get there. You will pass beautiful flowers growing along the river like these.


Then eventually, you will get to the Crystal Mill sitting perched on a cliff on the opposite side of the river. Be sure to get permission to go down to the river to take pictures as this is a privately owned property. There are people that still live in the town of Crystal in the summer time and one of them owns the property that the Mill sits on. They are very nice and they will give you information about the town and the mill.


If you keep going past the town there is a split in the road and if you go to the right, it will take you to Crested Butte, and if you take the road to the left, it is a big loop and brings you right back into Marble. This is one of my favorite places on earth and I hope you can get a chance to go there. If not there is always my photographs of the valley that you can enjoy on your walls forever!

Feel free to let me know how you liked (or didn’t like) my first blog and let me know if there is anything you would like me to blog about next time!

Thanks for the time!




  1. Joanie  —  May 20, 2020 at 11:28 am

    Really Cool Blog & Website Tom !!!
    I remember Camping at the Crystal River Campgrounds outside of the Red Stone – Marble Areas, It was Majestic & Beautiful Views !!!
    You Captured ALOT of Gorgeous Landscapes To Choose From …. Woo Hoo..

  2. admin  —  May 20, 2020 at 12:33 pm

    Thanks Joanie!

  3. Mark  —  September 13, 2022 at 7:45 am

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

    • admin  —  September 15, 2022 at 8:04 am

      Thanks Mark


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